Sunday, March 2, 2008

Greetings to you all... from beyond the wall of sleep...

Hello there.

I am Professor Wilhelm. I used to know a chap named Jacob Martin, whose blog is here:

I am an old fashioned man, I must admit. Blogging is a new knowledge to me, these Facebooks and MySpaces and all sorts of newfangled rubbish confuse me to no end.

But when I discovered the potential amount of discourses I could express on a blog, as opposed to a Facebook account, I was won over by the Blogosphere, as they seem to call it these days.

This is a blog where I will post reviews. Reviews of sacred cows you young people seem to venerate despite the fact that contrary to popular opinion I believe today's music is commercial trash.

But I am not a complete crab-pot. I will post more things as time goes by, and I hope to have some responses to the comments page (or whatever it's bloody called).

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